Hadassah Brain Center utilizes exclusive techniques based on the latest technology from Israel, the U.S, and Globally in Non-invasive brain treatment and testing. Hadassah Brain Center is a world leader in EEG, QEEG, and functional QEEG analysis (brain mapping). Brain Treatments include Biofeedback-Neurofeedback, dTMS, Audio Visual Therapy.
Hadassah Brain Center provides EEG interpretation, analysis, consultation, and neurofeedback recommendations, provides in-depth analyses, including a comparison to normative databases, ERP interpretation, and Low- Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA).
We understand the data, based on modern reference norms collected on current amplifiers with superior design characteristics. This deep comprehension is needed to provide the referring treatment team a complete understanding of the client's EEG and ERP data, clinical presentation, and the treatment options available.
Neuroplasticity: The brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. Neuroplasticity allows the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to compensate for injury and disease and to adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in their environment.
Hadassah Brain Center can assist Children, Adolescents, and adults with seizure conditions, behavior disorders, trauma, depression, attention deficits, and autism.
Hadassah Brain Center services include Non-invasive brain treatment and testing, with no surgery, no injections, no medications, and no hospitalization. Once the brain has adopted a new pattern, the results are permanent.
To expedite the treatment process, we’ve developed an accelerated non-drug program for treating ADHD and Autism in kids, etc. This program leads to the same long-term positive results as our traditional, longer program, but at a significantly faster pace.
Under our accelerated program, patients receive treatments 5 to 6 days per week, prompting their brains to develop stronger and improved functional connections more rapidly, especially due to daily reinforcement, allowing clinical improvement to occur faster and stabilize sooner.
As the treatment takes root, symptom improvement for hyperactivity, impulsivity, mood swings, and focusing problems tends to stabilize extremely quickly, the brain using itself and its own resources for healing (rather than outside sources like drugs).
our process has been called a “natural ADHD treatment for children”, but unlike many of the other “natural” treatments, ours is rooted in clinical medicine and has been proven to be highly effective.
EEG QEEG Brain Mapping
The brain mapping approach holds that Psychiatric and Neurologic analysis and or treatments should be based not only on behavior, but also on information on the functionality of the patient's different brain networks, and on brain regions that seem to be impaired. Quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG) parameters are considered to be highly effective biological markers. QEEG detects a variety of parameters relating to brain waves, including amplitude area and pattern frequency, coherence, and phase.
QEEG-brain mapping provides a brain functionality status, in the form of a 3D reconstruction of brain activity patterns, indicating mental strengths and weaknesses. Viewing areas of low or high activity enables us to train the patient's brain disorder symptoms and accordingly recommend the appropriate treatment.
QEEG-Brain mapping has become a key tool in neuroscience. We use QEEG to identify ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, depression and bipolar disorder, PTSD, anxiety disorders, learning disabilities, and more. Recent research has shown that these dysfunctions are associated with specific electrical patterns, allowing us to visualize in real-time activity, assess response characteristics, and identify communication characteristics that are invisible with other imaging modes.
Neuro Biofeedback
Neurofeedback treatment, also called EEG biofeedback, is a methodology of brain training, allowing the brain to function in a more effective way. The brain’s electrical patterns are observed, displayed before the patient, and modified through "operant conditioning", in order to reduce excessive brain frequencies and increase brain frequencies with a deficit. In this gradual learning process, the brain is then rewarded for changing its patterns to more appropriate ones.
Neurofeedback treatment is based on electrical brain activity, and utilizes the electroencephalogram, or EEG. The process is performed by placing electrodes on the scalp and listening to brain activity. Brain patterns are shown to the person in the form of a video game, and the patient strives to modify the brain wave patterns, reshaping them to the desired patterns across time.
This procedure can be relevant to any brain area which is measurable, and generally treats brain dysregulation, including the anxiety-depression disorders, attention deficits, behavior disorders, sleep disorders, headaches and migraines, and emotional disturbances. It can also be used for c brain conditions such as seizures, the autism spectrum, and cerebral palsy.
Neurofeedback treatment is an emerging clinical application, and understanding its underlying principles offers the therapist an effective treatment method, and provides clients with a framework for understanding the process.
Neurotherapy alters the functioning of the brain, and once the skill is mastered, it seems to be persistent. Studies show long term change in the brain’s operation following Neurofeedback.

We deal with all kinds of Attention Deficit Disorders and Autism at our center. However, no one individual is the same, which is why a thorough assessment of what your kind of ADD/ADHD is, is crucial to your success. We perform an intake procedure, including a QEEG, for all of our clients to ensure that they are receiving personalized treatment. QEEG detects a variety of parameters relating to brain waves, including amplitude area and pattern frequency, coherence, and phase.
QEEG-brain mapping provides a brain functionality status, in the form of a 3D reconstruction of brain activity patterns, indicating mental strengths and weaknesses. Viewing areas of low or high activity enables clinicians to predict the patient's brain disorder symptoms and diagnose the appropriate treatment.
QEEG-Brain mapping has become a key tool in neuroscience. We use QEEG to identify ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, depression and bipolar disorder, PTSD, anxiety disorders, learning disabilities, and more. Recent research has shown that these dysfunctions are associated with specific electrical patterns, this allows it to visualize real-time activity, assess response characteristics, and identify communication characteristics that are invisible with other imaging modes.

At Hadassah Brain Center, EEG's, Qeeg's, and Brain Mapping are reviewed, analyzed, and interpreted by a Clinical Neurologist M.D, specializing in Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurophysiology, certified by the American EEG Society Board of Qualifications and certified by American Board of Electroencephalography with special competence in quantified EEG.
Birth can trigger a variety of powerful emotions, from happiness to anxiety. But another condition or experience might be depression.
Many new mothers experience normal postpartum blues, typically from a few days after birth for around two weeks. Symptoms range from mood swings to crying, anxiety, and insomnia.
However, other mothers experience full-fledged postpartum depression or even a more extreme mood disorder called postpartum psychosis.
Postpartum depression should not be considered a flaw or a weakness, but simply a complication of giving birth. If you have postpartum depression, Hadassah Brain Center at Cedars Sinai Medical Tower can help you manage your symptoms — and enjoy your baby.
Hadassah Brain Center at the Cedars Sinai Medical Tower utilizes an exclusive technique based on the latest technology in non-invasive brain treatment and testing. Brain Treatments include Biofeedback-Neurofeedback, and dTMS, while tests include EEG, and QEEG-Brain Mapping.
There are many different kinds of depression. Early life trauma, loss, and physiological deficiencies in feel-good neurotransmitters (such as dopamine and serotonin) are all possibilities as to why depression creeps in. There is not one kind of depression, many are resistant to pharmacological intervention. We can determine, from the EEG and brain map, how unique depressive profiles appear in the brainwaves.
Due to the variety and causes of depression, a QEEG and report are very helpful for both the patient and the clinician. Once we have identified how your depressive symptoms express, physiologically, we are often successful in treating the origin of your symptoms. By altering the physiology of depression, the psychology of the individual often follows suit.