There are many profiles of ADD/ADHD. Some of them are legitimate, and some of them appear to be ADD/ADHD, when there is actually something different going on in the brain and the body. The most typical profile is an alpha slowing profile, where the brain’s processing rate is slower than others of similar age. This is called a high theta/beta ratio.
Another profile is one where the individual is bouncing off the walls, highly distractible. This is someone who can hear multiple conversations in a room all at the same time. This one involves a fast brainwave called beta.
Another profile is due to early life and birth complications, such as hypoxia (lack of oxygen to the brain), use of forceps or suction in the delivery room, high fevers or other early life trauma, resulting in excess slow frequencies, such as delta and theta.
Central slowing is also common and would contribute to a high theta/beta ratio. It does not always indicate head injury, it is part of the normal presentation of attention deficit disorder.
Part of the treatment could include neurofeedback protocols designed to down-train theta at a specific site, encouraging the brain to speed up processing there.
Another variant of ADHD presents as Mu rhythm in the EEG. Mu is present when mirror neurons are not engaged profile.
Yet on a different variant an alpha peak frequency that's faster than most. Because alpha is the processing speed of the brain, a child with a fast alpha peak frequency might be very bright, but do poorly in school (because they are digesting data at a faster rate than they’re receiving it, leading to boredom).
This is not actual ADD/ADHD, although it is often mislabeled.
Learning disabilities are pervasive and common. There are many modalities to work with them, many work well. Neurotherapy works well, but is completely different from the other options. It is used to train the area of the brain involved in learning or performing reading, math, or auditory and visual processing.
We know that learning involves coordination between multiple areas of the brain. The speed, amplitude, coherence, and symmetry of the brain are all required for a sound system of information intake and output. Neurofeedback and neurostimulation increase the brain’s coordination and communication between different areas of the brain.
Since these conditions often show deviance in measures of connectivity, connectivity training is particularly effective with this demographic, and seems to provide more consistent improvements in learning issues such as reading comprehension, dyslexia, and visual and auditory processing problems.
Autism, Asperger's and Developmental Delays Treatment
There are many reasons why autism spectrum disorders and various developmental delays emerge. Neuro Biofeedback are well suited for children. Not only are computer games appealing to children, they also have an extra dimension of neural plasticity that many adults do not have. Kids’ great capacity to absorb information and language makes them quick to train.
Believe it: you can train a child who can’t listen. You can train children who cannot sit still. The combination of sophisticated brain technology and well-proven learning techniques can lead to dramatic results.